Stories of Hope

“The best decision I ever made was to give homotoxicology a try, but beyond that was meeting you (Mary).” Our clients, like Deanna, are finding solutions to life long issues and balancing their lives. Click a Story of Hope below to read their client story.

My Son

Hi Mary,My children came with me to “Take your kids to work day” yesterday.  Every year I wished my son was improved enough to spend the whole day at this event.  It was a wonderful experience! I was so happy he was able to join in on all the activities.  Most people at my job do not know about my son.  I hate to label him since his tentative diagnosis at 20 months of age.  Being able to take him yesterday was a real joy for me and a real indicator of his progress.  Thank you for helping him be ...

My 11 Year Old Son

I have an 11 year old son that was diagnosed with PDD at the age of three. As with most spectrum disorders my son had severe allergies and his immune system was completely out of whack-he never got sick, ran a fever or sweat-but he looked absolutely horrible-pale skin dark circles, constipation and eczema. After much research, it was determined that my son's main issue was an inability to detoxify.His liver, kidneys and colon were so stressed from dealing with the toxic load that they did not function properly. He had severe oxidative stress, fatigue, poor muscle tone, behavioral and ...

My 7 Year Old Son

I had a meeting with our DAN doctor a couple of weeks ago, and he said he considers my son recovered from autism. I liked hearing that from his doctor! I know there is still a lot to do for my son, but he's just turned 7 and I know he's going to have a great year. Here's my testimonial.In 2006 my son was diagnosed with PANDAS through blood work. He was on prophylactic intramuscular antibiotics for 1 1/2 years. Using Homotoxicology through Mary Coyle, we were able to bring down his microbial load. The PANDAS gradually dissipated and over ...

My 7 Year Old Daughter

Our 7 year old daughter, was diagnosed with Autism at 19 mos. old, immediately after her 3rd flu shot and 2nd MMR. By the time she was diagnosed she had received 36 vaccines, had numerous back to back ear infections, many different antibiotics and went from eating veggies & fruit to eating bread, yogurt, french fries and chicken nuggets.Around the age of 2 1/2 we started with a DAN doctor. Over the next 3 1/2 years we did allergy treatments (NAET), viral treatments (Valtrex, Virastop), chelation, 100's of supplements, 600+ hours of Feeding Therapy and HBOT. We always had 2 ...


Dear Mary Coyle, Words cannot express how indebted we feel to you for helping us save our son from the shackles of autism. Luca was born a beautiful, healthy baby who thrived for the first year and a half of his life. He spoke early, was incredibly social and affectionate and met all his milestones. By two years old, we noticed some disturbing changes in our son's behaviour. He had lost desire to socialize, was withdrawn, repetitive, really hyper and had horrible sleep disturbances. He stopped responding to his name and was climbing anything and everything.  By November 2010, at his ...


“…thank you for all the wonderful changes we are seeing in Keegan.  You are bringing our little man back to us. He is talking so much more and playing with his cars and trains APPROPRIATELY.  And the best part…at night he wants me to read to him and when I finish the story and put the book down, he picks it up, hands it back to me and says “more book”.  It is truly awesome.  He still has a long way to go BUT for the first time in 2 years I am seeing a dim light at the end ...


Jeremy was born in December 2003 as a healthy 8 lb 1oz baby. He developed typically until about 2 yrs when he gradually began to regress. He was very hyperactive and did not want to be held. He used to cry during the night, every night.In March of 2007 when Jeremy had his TDP shots he began to regress more rapidly and severely. He lost eye contact and language. He started to spin around the room for hours. He would wake up in the middle of the night and repeatedly jump in his bed and laugh for no reason. He ...

J’s Kindergarten Teacher

I don't usually do this, but I wanted to send you a quick note about J. As I've been writing report cards the past couple days, it's given me the opportunity to really take a step back and reflect on the progress that my students have made throughout the year. When we get caught up in the day to day issues and challenges, its hard to look at the big picture. I know that in the past few months, there have been some challenges, but I really wanted to let you know how proud I am of J and his ...

Happy Mom

Mary!!! I want to share something with 6 year old son just said the most amazing thing a few minutes ago about his little brother!  He said, "Mom, my baby brother is coming back to life."  🙂 🙂 🙂  I am crying as I write's true, he really is coming back to us...slowly but surely.  I wanted to share this with you because you are a HUGE part of are helping our little one come back to us.  Thank you!!! Had to share the greatest sentence EVER (besides I love you)!All the best, Happy Mom ...